At the end of 2019, the selection process for the 7 Italian Municipalities, to participate in the European Multiply project, ended. These municipalities will be able to implement theirknowledge on integrated urban planning, and will also have the opportunity to develop or toincrease their planning, thanks to the new knowledge acquired.
Because of the network built with Municipalities of Urban Ecosystem and Renewable Municipalities Legambiente’s projects, that aim to describe environmental and energyinnovation in the territories, it has been possible to involve, in the selection, more than 100 Municipalities, big and small, to benefits from European project.
The reasons that led Municipalities to join this project are the need and desire to learn newskills and knowledge. Also, these features have been used as first selection parameter of Legambiente, which wanted to "reward", through participation, urban realities that better expressed the desire to improve strategies in the field of integrated urban planning and deal with other system and tools.
Currently, an integrated urban planning, able to connect different sectors such as energy production, efficiency, mobility and land consumption, is necessary in order to make territory,each with its own characteristic, more resilient to climate changes and able to improve thecitizen’s living conditions and so the quality of life.
In addition, implementing an integrated Plan means revolutionizing territories, changing both production models and lifestyles of citizens. This is a challenge of primary interest for those territories that want to bring the attentions on a new economic development, able togenerating new jobs.
Also, in Italy, due to globalization, that has depleted the internal areas and manufacturing fabric of small and medium-sized enterprises, the territories have the strong need to rebirthand enhance of what already exists.