One of the most important outcomes of the project are the integrated transport, land-use and energy plans. The 24 committed cities and some volunteer forerunner cities will develop optimal energy efficiency solutions for their own model district and develop fully-fledged integrated energy plan for the planned construction or restructuring.

The energy plans based on SECAP goals should include: integrated energy, mobility and land-use concepts for energy efficiency improvements, long-term visions, concrete short-term implementation measures, realistic financial strategies and a governance and communication strategy promoting the participation of local stakeholders.

For this task a qualitative and a quantitative template has been developed. The qualitative template is a Word-file to describe the vision, measures, budget and strategies. The quantitative template is an Excel-file programmed to quantify the reductions in CO2eq emissions and energy savings. The template can also be used for monitoring.

The template for energy plans serves to achieve the following three main objectives:

  • To show how much energy is consumed at the base year
  • To show how much energy is saved in a predicted way
  • To show how much energy was actually saved (monitoring system)


template energyplan




Here you can download the PDF file (english)